DRAFT fleeting
- because we're animals, and animals play
- 🎵 because we're criminals, and criminals crime
- because play allows us learn without constraints, go to places we'd never visit otherwise
Many of the toys I've built turned into bigger projects, although that was not their main intent. At the same time, most of the "serious" things I've built either started as toys or incorporated the ideas which came about during unconstrained exploration.
Two random examples:
- Storienteer borrows heavily from me dancing with pineapples in front of the projector testing Return to Castle Kittenstein,
- I learned a tonne about WebRTC from Reactive 🕳 which then helped me build VideoAsk LiveCall
Useless toys are only useless in the sense that when you start working on on them your goal is to have fun. However, when we do what we love, something amazing happens: we learn things