TouchDesigner (and Mr Noto, the Talking Ball)

I noticed a bunch of posts mentioning TouchDesigner on social media recently. I had an hour to play with it this morning. Here's what I've learned so far.

TouchDesigner is a node-based visual programming tool used for interactive media installations, processing/p5.js style generative art, multimedia performances. I'm not a generative art expert, but from my perspective it sits somewhere between PureData and Processing.

It feels much more modern and than PureData, both in terms of UI polish and the feature set. Inputs such as Kinect or WebRTC are available out of the box. This means that with relative ease you should be able to control audio or animations with signals such as voice/movement/body pose. And of course a wealth of other high-level APIs (anything that can talk web).

TouchDesigner uses python as its scripting language of choice (compare this with Java in Processing and C/CPP externals in PureData).


Here's my first hello world TouchDesigner project:

Here's how this works:

The 101 example added to each new TouchDesigner project is fine, but a bit too complex for a decaf Rafał with 1 hour to spare. So here's an intro I would've liked to see: distort an image based on a noise value and animate the thing using time (so, show me how to access, pass and manipulate variables, then spit them out on the screen).

  1. we sample a noise value and use an offset based on the absolute time
    1. absTime.seconds * .1 is a python expression
  2. we pass that noise value alongside a circle texture to a displace node
  3. we pass the displace node output to the main output (connected to the display device)

Interesting stuff:

Here's something a bit more complex (no rocket science tho):

Interesting stuff


Comprehensive, beginner-friendly course
More advanced tutorial (check it for some demos/inpiration)
Noto the Talking Ball has a ton of fun and quick tutorials. I also just love the format, the style and the presentation here. It want wobbly space princess' cousin to teach me CS from now on.

Watch out for outdated tutorials. The GUI is quite minimalist and seems to have changed a bit in the past 3 years. This means that sometimes took a few minutes to realise that I needed to translate the instructions into the current GUI commands or just abandon the tutorial completely.

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a giant foot-shaped snail with a house on its back. the house is still in construction, with a big crane towering above it The image is a stylized black-and-white illustration. In the lower left corner, there is a small, cozy-looking house with smoke rising from its chimney. The smoke, however, does not dissipate into the air but instead forms a dark, looming cloud. Within the cloud, the silhouette of a large, menacing face is visible, with its eyes and nose peeking through the darkness. The creature, perhaps a cat, appears to be watching over the house ominously, creating a sense of foreboding or unease.