- integrate with the site
- no scale, just a one-off project for me
- later, maybe, put it in a nice wooden box and give to someone
My setup:
Intel Mac running GitHub - rbaron/catprinter: 🐱🖨
(It's my local server and I'm connecting to it via ssh from an M1 Machine, because of a driver issue)
graph TD
printer["Cat Printer"]
bt["Bluetooth LE"]
python["Watcher Script"]
python --> repo --> bt --> printer
- Watcher Script: A script watching a dir and calling rbaron/catprinter
- watcher can poll Vercel KV with a queue of print jobs
- build a simple webhook/UI for adding items to the queue
What's hard
- matching the right cat printer version with the right client lib
- could be solved by buying the white-labelled version on the cheap
- more python than node libs available
- needed to decompile java code to see the printer ids, mangled command ids etc...
Cat Printer – tools and resources