$ cp example.env .env (a.k.a. adventures of the Bun-man)

Some late night doodles, the punchline is the same as the reason the oopsie mentioned below happened (lost track of time). Title: "nightmares of the bun man"

I don't like war stories. They're a bit like listening to other people's dreams. Sure, they can be interesting and give you a peek into another person's mind through a stained glass window, but sometimes they're more fun to tell than to listen to. Having said that, I think there's something to learn here, for one of us at least. Maybe.

It's Thursday at 6 pm. I'm about to finish my work in one pomodoro. On Slack, I see a colleague talking about a repo with a new project they're working on. It might be cool to work on it in the future so I check out the code and start setting it up. The project is configured via a .env file, so let's:

$ cd secret-project # that didn't happen
$ cp example.env .env # that did happen but not where I wanted it to happen

So here's what happened: I was still in a different location, so I removed all of the 30+ environment variables used to get it running. Those include API keys, secrets, plus some esoteric and spicy config vars I do not yet understand. I had no copies of those files, do I have a sane response to why I didn't back them up in the first place.

Getting them back will take 2-3 hours of my time. It will also waste someones else's time as they'll have to generate the new credentials for me. Yes, this is a stupid and very much avoidable situation.

And nope, it's not the end of the world, I know. But, I'm an world-class ruminator and this will annoy me till Monday. I don't want that. I'll work on self-improvement and emotional control next week.

I have 3 terminal windows open, the .env file gone, the variables still in memory. However, if I type any command, direnv will wipe them. So I did what every 0.1x developer would do:

  1. Ask StackOverflow an LLM for ways to dump the env somewhere safe
  2. Write a script to restore them

1. Explain the problem to an LLM and ask for a list of tools letting me read the env vars from memory:

Success! I gaze into the latent space, and the latent space gazes back, then whispers in the voice of Scarlet Johansson:

$ printenv > filename # (you dum-dum)

I run the command in each terminal, saving it into a different file (env-recovered.env, old-env, what.env). There is no reason for me to do that 3 times at this stage. Then, I copy those files into my keychain.

The result of the printenv contains the entire environment of my current shell. I don't want to copy, filter and clean each field one by one. This is one of the rare instances where I'm happy to automate.

So, I write a quick script in Quokka (a decent REPL for VSCode). It's trivial:

  1. get all key names from example.env
  2. collect all lines from the restored env dump file
    1. return all lines that start with a key mentioned in example.env
  3. print out some stats about the env before and after so I can ensure I copied over everything

Here's the code:

const recovered = `
# ...

const fields = `
# ...

const keysToRecover = fields.split("\n").filter(Boolean);
const oldEnvLines = recovered.split("\n").filter(Boolean);

const result = keysToRecover
  .map((key) => {
    const maybeLine = oldEnvLines.find((l) => l.startsWith(key));
    if (!maybeLine) console.log(`Missing ${key}`);
    return maybeLine;

const stats = {
  oldItemsCount: oldEnvLines.length,
  newItemsCount: result.length,
  toRecoverCount: keysToRecover.length,

stats; // print the stats variable in the output panel

const resultFILE = result.join("\n");
resultFILE; // print the new/recreated env file in the output panel

I run the script, copy the values from the output panel and paste them back into my main project. The entire thing took less than 15 minutes. Everything works like charm! I can walk my dog now.

Key takeaways

That's all for today! R.

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a giant foot-shaped snail with a house on its back. the house is still in construction, with a big crane towering above it The image is a stylized black-and-white illustration. In the lower left corner, there is a small, cozy-looking house with smoke rising from its chimney. The smoke, however, does not dissipate into the air but instead forms a dark, looming cloud. Within the cloud, the silhouette of a large, menacing face is visible, with its eyes and nose peeking through the darkness. The creature, perhaps a cat, appears to be watching over the house ominously, creating a sense of foreboding or unease.