![[spider.webp]] I've been using Photoshop since AD 2000. Flash paid for the unhealthy amounts of ~~ramen~~ [obwarzanki](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obwarzanek_krakowski) I ingested during my high school and uni. Still, since I ditched all Adobe software last year, I haven't looked back for a second. That is because: 1. Adobe are a *terrible* company. 2. **The alternatives (including free, even OSS tools) are quite good!** Here's the list of Adobe alternatives I'm using regularly. I'll split it on a per-use-case basis. If you have questions, message me and I'll update this note. ## Use cases: ### UX/Wireframes/Prototypes #### Figma → [PenPot](https://penpot.app) (still experimenting) 👍 - simple to use - OSS - relies on open standards, it's SVG + HTML under the hood, which means that features such as autolayout or CSS units *just work*™ 👎 - Penpot can be self-hosted, but the process is still a bit too complicated for non-technical people. Seems like [Penpot Desktop](https://community.penpot.app/t/introducing-penpot-desktop/1468) is getting there though! ### Photo development #### Lightroom Classic → [Capture One](https://www.captureone.com/en) 👍 - It seems better at everything Lightroom does, *including importing the Lightroom Catalog*. - It's a one-time payment, no subs. 👎 - The UI might seem daunting if you're moving from LR (I do think it's *unlearning* not *learning* that's hard though) - Check if your camera model is supported before buying. Tip: wait till late December and look for discounts. I saved 50% on CO this way. ### Image processing *Example: quick edits to non RAW files, finishing touches on my [Procreate](https://procreate.com) sketches* #### Photoshop → [Affinity Photo](https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/photo/) 👍 - Simple but powerful UX: Affinity Photo feels like Photoshop without the features no one uses. - Procreate and Apple Pencil is better than any of the Wacom tablets I've owned. 👎 - Those rare cases when the Affinity keyboard shortcuts don't match Photoshops. It's annoying but rare. It's annoying because it's rare. ### Automation *Example: batch image processing (conversion, cropping, video → gif)* #### Photoshop → Affinity Photo #### **Photoshop → [ffmpeg](https://ffmpeg.org/download.html)** 👍 👎 I wish there was a nicer, contextual UI for ffmpeg. I used ffmpeg professionally (realtime video processing pipelines) and I still ask GPT to generate ffmpeg parameters. ### Diagramming/Vector sketches #### Illustrator (yes) and pen and paper → [Concepts](https://concepts.app/en/) 👍 - extremely configurable and simple UI - infinite vector canvas 👎 - Concepts is a drawing tool, not a proper DTP tool ### Audio Editing #### Audition → [Audacity](https://www.audacityteam.org) 👍 - does exactly what I need - OSS - free 👎 - no downsides from my perspective (the UI feels a bit ugly) ### Vector editing #### Illustrator → [Affinity Designer](https://affinity.serif.com/en-us/designer/) or [Inkscape](https://inkscape.org) (to be researched) ### Video editing #### Premiere → [DaVinci Resolve](https://www.blackmagicdesign.com/products/davinciresolve) 👍 - It does everything (editing, colour-grading, rendering) so well - It's free 👎 - It does *everything* *"Tiny cinema"* ### DTP InDesign/Illustrator → ... I'll have an excuse to try out some DTP tools soon. I met a (successful, talented) designer recently who managed to design her book in Figma, so I'm expecting to be surprised. ![[little-cinema.webp|Little Cinema]]