## Meta Reminder: this site is an [[111|iterative experiment]], so let's put on the school (of fish) janitor hat: ![[182624883_856620778253995_571075980421732300_n_17904835792889678.webp]] ## This week's summary ### Sit. ![[Pasted image 20240517132843.png]] You have no idea how lucky I feel, getting messages like this from strangers who found my work helpful, and still being able to pay the rent at the same time. You're wonderful, and Jeff Bridges [wants to have a word with you](https://youtu.be/apVeSc8HC9I?t=1835). After finally fixing my analytics, I also learned that [Sit.](https://sit.sonnet.io) has a consistent number of daily users, and **70% of sessions reach 10 minutes**! This is way above my initial expectations for Sit.: being able to sit down and do *sweet nothing* for 10 minutes sounds plain impressive given the femtosecond, tiktok-slop-fuelled attention spans of 2024 AD. Speaking of analytics, I don't collect any personalised data (details: [[How I Use Analytics With My Indie Projects]]), but I do get info about session lengths. Here's a [GH repo for the curious and suspicious](https://github.com/paprikka/sit) (as you should be.) ### Ensō I can't share more details but someone is using Ensō to write: 1. a musical based on a German legend 2. a novel about squirrels I want to read this so badly (not only because *Eichhörnchen* is one of my favourite German words.) > Protip if you live in a country with squirrels: next time you're in a park, find a quiet spot and observe them from a distance imagining the theme song from *Mission: Impossible* is playing in background. ![[jodie-foster-nut.webp]] ### Feigenspiel? [[If you wanna make the space ghost laugh, make plans.|If you wanna make the space ghost laugh, ~~make plans~~ file taxes]]. I didn't have enough time to do any meaningful work on Fig, which turned out to be a blessing as I had a chance to play with and learn about generative [[Sandboxes, Games, and Play|Sandboxes]] instead. ### Next week - small updates to Fig from the [[Fig#^8c282a|Next Steps]] section (got an idea? [Let me know](mailto:[email protected]).) - Still waiting for my Playdate to arrive, but I'm already compiling a list of projects and toys I can build with it. One of them is... evil! ## Favourite project(s) [Every Ant on Earth - R74n](https://r74n.com/ants/) – Browse every individual ant and meet them in antperson. ![[every-ant.webp]] *You can also attend their funerals and decide their fate, "democratically".* [NYT First Said](https://x.com/nyt_first_said)– a Twitter account listing every word in NYT as it appears for the first time. Ages like wine. Or milk. Or [kumis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kumis). Work by [[Max Bittker]]. ![[he-loves-me-loves-me-not.webp]] [love me or not](https://www.aliciaguo.com/love-me-or-not/)– a visual poem by Alicia Guo. [Here's the song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4KD8kWksOmc) I hear when I play with it. ^a74bfd ## Favourite site(s) ![[r74a-website.webp]] [R74n](https://r74n.com) – R74n are a website collective focussed on little web-based tools, lists, games, playthings. I stumbled upon them when I was reviewing my notes for [[Sandboxes, Games, and Play]] and playing with their [Sandboxels](https://sandboxels.r74n.com). ![[nobody-here-lady.webp]] [Nobody Here](https://nobodyhere.com/justme/me.here)– a web of interconnected stories, expressed through code, words, poetry and drawings. If you liked [[#^a74bfd|love me or not]] mentioned earlier or [[56#^903968|rooster kind]] from my previous notes, you'll have a good time there. Someone made a [mini documentary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djl2sFGGgH8) about it. [Cemetery Club – Museums of People – curated by Sheldon K. Goodman](https://cemeteryclub.wordpress.com)– a blog for taphophiles. Sharing, because I'm one myself and because I recognised many of the places mentioned there. ![[silent-london.webp]] [Silent London](https://silentlondon.co.uk)– listings, reviews, essays about silent cinema events in London. It's getting warmer, so if you live in that neck of the woods, I recommend looking for outdoor silent cinema screenings. I made some beautiful memories, (and lost some beautiful valuables) with my ass on the grass while watching Murnau's [Nosferatu](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nosferatu_–_Eine_Symphonie_des_Grauens). ![[antikrist.webp]] [AntiKrist](https://antikrist.lol) – this one's a bit more niche. It's a personal site of a marine biologist I stumbled upon by sheer accident. Sharing because: - this is where I learned about internet shrines, and - because their mouse cursor is an Orca. ## Favourite piece of tech ![[disco.webp]] [disco](https://letsdisco.dev) – a delightfully simple, no-fuss, open source way to host and deploy your web projects, created by [Greg](https://greg.technology) and [Antoine](https://www.youtube.com/@AntoineLeclair). Think of it as a mini-heroku or mini-vercel, but without being tied to a single big vendor. You're free to use a VPS if you like, but you can also deploy your apps to a Raspberry Pi or an old laptop. Honestly, looking at disco, [party.kit](https://www.partykit.io), or even [val.town](http://val.town) I'm hyped about the new wave of smaller (PaaS? IaaS?) tools like this we're seeing right now. That is: anything that removes the initial friction to share our ideas, prototypes and toys. I wish I had known about this 1+ years ago. I had a bunch of ML projects in python I eventually decided to rewrite to node or abandon because dealing with infra was just too much hassle for me, esp. compared to Vercel ([[Web and Feedback Loops]]). [application.garden](https://application.garden/signup)– a platform for deploying backend apps written in Clojure. It's still in private beta, but you can message the authors for access. The people behind it worked on [Nextjournal](https://nextjournal.com) which is an impressive piece of software itself. ## Interesting articles ![[allekinos.webp]] [Going to the cinema is a data visualization problem @ tonsky.me](https://tonsky.me/blog/allekinos/)– Niki Tonsky (the author of [Fira Code](https://github.com/tonsky/FiraCode) and [Grumpy.website](https://Grumpy.website)) decided to build an aggregator for cinema tickets. Reasons to read, besides the subject matter: it's an excellent study of an engineer approaching a real-world user problem and working through it. If that's something you want to get better at, and generally prefer learning through examples and stories, this is a good place to start. ## Things I wrote last week that people liked - [[Sandboxes, Games, and Play]] Thanks for reading! See you on Monday! P.S. Recently I decided to advance from being a meek 0.1x developer to 0.01x engineer, so naturally I started learning VIM to *become slower*. It's going well, as this entire post was written using a modal editor. My wrists and neck feel so much bejjjjjkkkkkjlkjj now! See you next week! `:wq!` P.P.S You scrolled so far, have this doodle ![[bicycle-of-shame.webp]]